1. The product pictures and screen contents in the above pages are only for illustration. There may be slight differences between the effect of the real product (including but not limited to appearance, color and size) and the content displayed on the screen (including but not limited to background, UI and map matching). Please refer to the real product.
2. The data in the above pages are actual values, which are all from Ziyan’s test results. In actual use, there may be slight differences due to individual differences of products, software versions, use conditions and environmental factors. Please refer to the actual use.
3. Due to the real-time change of product batch and production supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specification parameters and product characteristics as far as possible, Ziyan may adjust and revise the text expression, picture effect and other contents in the above page in real time, so as to match with the actual product performance, specification, index, parts and other information.
4. If it is necessary to make the above modifications and adjustments, no special notice will be given.
Ziyan series unmanned helicopter products are sensitive items, which are forbidden to be used for any illegal purposes. Zhuhai Ziyan UAV Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for the consequences caused by illegal use; shall not be liable for the third party liability arising from the use of this product; and shall not provide any technical support and commitment to units or individuals who obtain this product through abnormal channels. The user's direct or indirect use of Ziyan unmanned helicopter products in various ways will be deemed to have unconditionally accepted all contents of this statement; if the user has any objection to any terms of this statement, please stop using it immediately.